Global Warming

Global Warming: What is it and should we be concerned?

      Global Warming is a common term used today and has grown into more of a concern throughout the years. It is the idea of how pollution will effect us in the long run in terms of change in weather patterns. Global Warming has always been a popular topic in news and politics but is it really something we should be preparing for? From"In specific terms, an increase of 1 or more degrees Celsius in a period of one hundred to two hundred years would be considered global warming. Over the course of a single century, an increase of even 0.4 degrees Celsius would be significant. " This means the effects of what humans are doing in now in terms of pollution, could definitely effect  generations to come. To discuss wether or not its a significant issue we must know the facts. 

      "The scientists determined that the Earth has warmed .6 degrees Celsius between 1901 and 2000. When the timeframe is advanced by five years, from 1906 to 2006, the scientists found that the temperature increase was .74 degrees Celsius." -
This is a pretty significant difference in the recent century. This can be directly brought on to the increase of CO2 as it is the main blame from scientists for the recent increase of temperature change. The Greenhouse effect is basically what keeps us from having an ice age again by keeping the Earth warm. The suns rays hitting the Earth pass through our atmosphere and 70% of energy stays with us and the 30% is reflected off the clouds. Global Warming is the effect of the increase of the Greenhouse effect. Basically, all the extra CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere is just increasing the Greenhouse effect. "Today, human activities are pumping huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, resulting in an overall increase in carbon dioxide concentrations" - The use of combustion engines and the burning of fossil fuels is a huge contributor to the change. There has been an increase of car manufacturers replacing gas-engines with electric power, but it is probably too late for it to matter. 

        Global Warming is definitely not fake and there are many arguments going on around the world. Some scientists don't believe that is increase is coming from us and think it is something natural. Some don't even believe there is enough evidence to say its a problem. To me, the facts are clear that the climate is changing significantly more since humans have been around but I don't think we have much say in how it plays out. We can change our habits maybe, but I just don't think what we do will matter enough. Nature is an unstoppable force and if we are what's causing this change, it is definitely too late. 

I give The Day After Tomorrow a PGP-13 because the physics aren't good, but it at least hides it pretty well. 




  1. Next time, try to back your argument up with more facts. You includes some quotes in your post, but those particular quotes don't pack much punch, as they are vague and qualitative.


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