\ Interstellar is directed by Christopher Nolan who has a history of confusing whoever watching his movies. Interstellar is one of the more scientific movies that he has made and it has many space physics to talk about. One of the main focuses is a blackhole called Gargantua and how it would effect anything nearby and how it can warp time. The scene when the crew lands on Miller's planet which is located very close to the black hole demonstrates time dilation and tidal gravity. When they are on the planet, one hour of Earth's time is seven hours on Miller's planet. This is caused by the massive gravitational pull of Gargantua. The planet its also covered in water and what they think they see in the distance as mountains are actually giant waves. The waves are 1.2 kilometers high! There are two explanations as to how this is possible from a chapter from Kip Thorne's book "The Science of Interstellar." The chapter "Miller's Planet",...